Dependable Trade supplier of quality Residence Collection products

Exclusively supplying the UK’s most luxury timber-alternative system

At Window Tech Trade, we chose to solely focus on supplying installers and fitters with window and door products featured in the Residence Collection, because they are designed with luxury and high performance in mind. These sentiments are very much in keeping with our company’s more personable approach when compared to larger fabricators, allowing us to prioritise delivering the best and no less.

The Residence Collection makes use of three unique window styles in R2, R7, and R9, often considered as the most premium timber-alternative system. Striking the perfect balance between indistinguishable aesthetics and high performing energy efficiency and heat retention, adding the Residence Collection to your product portfolio with Window Tech Trade as your supplier means setting yourself apart from rivals.

What’s more, we are currently the only supplier in the South East that supply Residence products with welded mechanical joints, making for a truly authentic looking window that you won’t find anywhere else in the area.

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Oak effect Residence Collection window